2019 – Ukraine’s Health Ministry forecasts fourth wave — UNIAN

The authorities are mulling an option to extend the quarantine.

The Health Ministry predicts a new wave / Photo from UNIAN

The Health Ministry predicts a new wave / Photo from UNIAN

Ukraine will hardly be able to avoid the fourth wave of the coronavirus epidemic in the fall.

Chief Medical Officer Ihor Kuzin announced this on TV Channel 1+1, according to the TV news service TSN.

The adaptive quarantine should be extended even if the COVID-19 curve has been flattened, according to him.

“The quarantine needs to be extended, but we are adjusting it. Now many countries are easing restrictions, but not a single one is lifting them completely. At least face masks indoors and social distancing will remain even if most of the measures aimed at countering the coronavirus have been lifted. Even the United States keeps its face mask mandate despite the high vaccination rates. This is a common practice,” Kuzin emphasized.

Despite the fact that the Health Ministry plans to vaccinate about five million citizens by the end of the summer, the Chief Medical Officer expects the return of the coronavirus in the fall.

“We are aware that acute respiratory viral infection predominantly appears in late autumn and early winter. We hope that this wave will be minimal unlike the one last autumn. This may be due to the fact that there are some people who have already been ill while the others have been vaccinated,” he said.

Read alsoCOVID-19 quarantine: All Ukrainian regions designated as green zone

Coronavirus in Ukraine

  • The situation with the coronavirus in Ukraine has stabilized in recent weeks. As of the morning of June 13, there were 857 new COVID-19 cases, including 17 healthcare workers, confirmed in Ukraine. Among them 37 were children.
  • Since the start of the epidemic in Ukraine, 2,223,558 people have fallen ill with the coronavirus; recoveries have totaled 2,127,337. The overall death toll is 51 679 now. The number of PCR tests carried out is 10,504,548.

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